My points for support for the Bible.
1. Because we do not have anything better.
2. There are many evidences of out of body experiences, ghosts, predictions, miracles, stigmata.
3. Whichever way we will look, logic points us to God or ET or UFO.
Example: if evolution is not just theory, than must be somewhere a civilization on much more advance level than out Earth and tan civilization is able to create different, very advanced form of life.
God, welcome!
If evolution is a myth, welcome God again!
Few points against the Bible.
1. Whoever wrote the Bible had not slightest idea about technologies we are using today.
2. Debates about Jesus being God or just an angel or archangel Michael, or He is part of the trinity or not etc, etc. These debates are going for almost 2000 years and looks like we need another 2000 years to solve these problems.
3. Prophecies of the Bible are not accurate. Looks like some so called fulfillments are just guesses not better or worse than Scallion's or Sollogs. Revelation has some hope especially lately.
4. More I know the Bible, less I trust her as being directed by God and inspired by God. When I start to chase who wrote, copied and translated this part or other, is getting harder and harder to believe in God's inspiration and compilation which parts are inspired and which not.
5. It appears clearly that God and Christ are two totally different personalities. God is violent and demanding. Even cruel. Christ is patient, mild, perfect human, trying very hard to fix his fathers mistakes.
As anyone can see, I'm in mess here and now I know less that ever before I’ve started! ;-P
I’m sorry but I’m not buying the best invention of Christianity about trust without examining. Why should I trust the Bible and ignore Koran or Scallion or Nostradamus?
Christ sentence “Blessed who didn’t see but believed” seems to be an invention of smart clergy, not Christ’s. It could be said also this way: “Blessed are naive ones…”
I love an idea of loving God and Christ. That’s why I’ve devoted my best 20 years of hard work for the WTS. If I would have some evidence, I would do it again.